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សាលា អលណេសិន មានបង្រៀន ៣ កម្រិតសិក្សា៖ ថ្នាក់មត្តេយ្យសិក្សា ថ្នាក់បឋមសិក្សា ថ្នាក់មធ្យមសិក្សា ។ ទទួលចុះឈ្មោះចាប់ពីថ្ងៃនេះតទៅ! រៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃចន្ទ-សុក្រ ចាប់ពីម៉ោង៧:៣០ព្រឹក-ម៉ោង៤:០០រសៀល សូមអរគុណ ។

About Us

Mission,Vision and Our Core Values
(បេសកកម្ម និងចក្ចុវិស័យ)

Our Mission
We seek to provide a creative and various learning environment that develops our students into caring, thinking creatively and honestly upright global leaders. 

Our vision
We teach and equip our students to be the global leaders.
We offer high-quality global learning opportunities such as learning English, Korean, Computer. 
We aim to be the school which has high quality global curricula to rise our students to achieve their goals in success.

Our Core Values
Creative/ Integrity/ Internationalism/ Discipleship