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សាលា អលណេសិន មានបង្រៀន ៣ កម្រិតសិក្សា៖ ថ្នាក់មត្តេយ្យសិក្សា ថ្នាក់បឋមសិក្សា ថ្នាក់មធ្យមសិក្សា ។ ទទួលចុះឈ្មោះចាប់ពីថ្ងៃនេះតទៅ! រៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃចន្ទ-សុក្រ ចាប់ពីម៉ោង៧:៣០ព្រឹក-ម៉ោង៤:០០រសៀល សូមអរគុណ ។

School Rules

Rules (វិន័យរបស់សិស្ស)

All Nations School Rule for Students

  1. School Study Time: 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
  2. Students must follow all school rules, and they should study regularly.
  3. All Nations School students must wear school uniform.
  4. All students must make effort to learn and do homework.
  5. Students should bathe and have groomed hair and nails for good appearance.
  6. All students need to park their motorcycle, bicycle and cars in orderly way and follow instruction of school.
  7. Do not write anything on the walls, chair, table and other furniture.
  8. All students should show good behavior at school by being gentle, loving, kind and helpful to one another.
  9. Students have to participate in school activities and school events.
  10. No students can fight each other in school.
  11. Do not insult other people.  Do not use curse words towards other people.
  12. Do not sit in windows, and do not climb the walls.
  13. When students do not follow the school rule or violate the school, the school board members shall have the right to give punishment.    
  14. All Nations School students should not get married during studying year.
School Rules

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